The Amplifier Fighters – Waitin’ to Find Out

by | Mar 24, 2018 | Song of the Day

Here at Reverb Raccoon, we are amazed every day by the quality music that is being created in bedrooms, dorms, basements, and garages. “Waitin’ to Find Out” by The Amplifier Fighters falls into the Great Song Recorded in a Basement category. It’s a bit rough around the edges but, hey, I like listening to it.

The song is well-crafted with a nice melody, alternating soft and loud guitars, and a stick-in-your-head chorus that has a call-and-response feel. Extra Credit to The Bass Player for an adventurous line that propels the song, and The Lead Guitarist for the solo at two-minutes-twenty.

“Waitin’ to Find Out” was released as a single back in 2015. It is now included in the new ten-track album, Cow Dog. While “Waitin’ to Find Out” is best described as power pop, many of the other tracks on the album bear a country-ish tinge. On their Facebook page, The Amplifier Fighters self-identify as “Indie Country Rock from a Lancaster PA corn field.”

The personnel contributing to “Waitin’ to Find Out,” as listed on the Bandcamp page for the 2015 single, are Andy Z (vocals, guitar), Brian S (guitar, bass, keyboards), Cody B (vocals, guitar, bass, drums), Sean W (drums and percussion), and Allyseun B (vocals). The Amplifier Fighters seem to be a side project by members of Philadelphia-based Thinking Machines, as their Facebook biography says they are “members of Thinking Machines and some other guy getting wasted and recording it.” I assume The Amplifier Fighters is the side project, and not the other way around, by that always reliable indicator of quality, Facebook Likes. In a blowout, it’s  407-42 in favor of Thinking Machines.

You can support deserving musicians like The Amplifier Fighters by visiting their Bandcamp page and downloading a few of your favorite tracks. Or buy their entire catalog! I’m sure the band wouldn’t mind. And while you’re there, check out the music by Thinking Machines.

Charles Norman is a writer and historian. Email: Or follow on Instagram and Facebook.

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